Preaching Through Podcast
Preaching can feel isolating, but it doesn’t have to be. The Preaching Through Podcast offers pastors and ministry leaders a seat at the table where honest, insightful conversations happen about the challenges and joys of preaching in the 21st century. Hosts Dave Shrein and Luke Simmons, alongside special guests, tackle the unique pressures of sermon preparation, the art of clear communication, and the spiritual responsibility of leading a congregation. Whether discussing how to preach through complex biblical books, navigate countercultural topics, or refine practical skills like introductions and illustrations, this podcast provides wisdom, encouragement, and actionable takeaways. Join a community of pastors committed to preaching Jesus faithfully and fruitfully in a rapidly changing world.
Preaching Through Podcast
Preaching Through Revelation
Preaching through the book of Revelation can be both challenging and rewarding. While the imagery and symbolism may seem daunting, the core message is clear and relevant for today's believers.
This episode of Preaching Through Podcast explores key insights and takeaways from tackling this often misunderstood book of the Bible:
Revelation is both an attractional and discipleship series, drawing in curious seekers while deepening the faith of believers. It teaches people how to read and interpret Scripture, particularly apocalyptic literature. The book presents a clear contrast and choice between following the ways of the world or remaining faithful to Christ.
Preaching Revelation keeps the main thing as the main thing - preparing believers to be faithful, not just predicting future events. It stretches preachers, requiring deep study and preparation. Perhaps most importantly, Revelation helps us reimagine eternity, shifting our focus from "going to heaven" to the new heavens and new earth.
Key approaches include taking a big picture view, focusing on the imagery and scenes rather than getting bogged down in details. Emphasizing that Revelation was written for us but not to us helps provide important context.
While challenging, preaching through Revelation can be incredibly fruitful when done thoughtfully and aligned with church leadership. It offers a powerful opportunity to expand imaginations and challenge believers to stay faithful in difficult times.
For those considering taking on this book, proper preparation and resources are crucial. But the effort is worthwhile, as Revelation's message of hope and faithfulness remains deeply relevant for the church today.
Ironwood Church Revelation Resources
Series Messages
Revelation Series Overview
Q & A Podcast Episode
Series Breakdown
- Revelation 1 — The Alpha & The Omega
- Revelation 2-3 — What Jesus Sees in His Church
- Revelation 4-5 — A Glimpse of Ultimate Reality
- Revelation 6-7 — How to Stand in a World Under Judgment
- Revelation 9:13-21 — While You Still Have Time
- Revelation 12-13 — The Cosmic & Earthly Battles
- Revelation 13-14 — The Fork in the Road
- Revelation 15-16 — Wrath & Worship
- Revelation 17:1-19:10 — Get Out While You Still Can
- Revelation 19:6-20:15 — How To Be On the Right Side Of History
- Revelation 21-22 — After the Last Tear Falls
Recommended Books
Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of Revelation by Nancy Gutherie
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